Animal Flow is a quadrupedal movement training system that is designed to improve the performance, resilience and function of the human animal.
This system is designed to improve strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination for all levels of fitness enthusiasts. Whether you want to workout on your own, train with a professional, or take part in group classes, Animal Flow has something for every body!
Intro to
Sunday 5 January 2025
9.30 - 11am (90 mins)
Certified Instructor - Darren Radford
Join us for this introductory workshop that will let you experience the fundamental elements of the Animal Flow movement system.
The workshop is designed for those new to Animal Flow and wanted to try something new.
You’ll explore all 6 components of Animal Flow, including the Traveling Forms (the “ABCs” of animal movements); Switches and Transitions; Mobility; Activations; Form Specific Stretches, and, of course, we will perform a simple flow to conclude the workshop. This workshop and the flow are a foundation from which you may begin your own creative practice.
Workshop Preparation:
The workshop is open to persons of all skill levels. You should be physically fit enough to support your own bodyweight in quadrupedal position and be medically cleared to participate in physical activities. Attendees must be at least 18 years old.
The workshop is $45. Should you wish to join Gravity to continue your practice or engage in any other disciplines we offer, the workshop cost will be deducted off your membership dues.
Intro to Animal Flow
90 Min. workshop to establish essential foundations